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At AVA, we actively participate in informative articles in different magazines. Currently, we have participated in different editions of the luxurious magazine, High & Beyond.

We have also conducted interviews and articles for Lexlatin, a specialized media with the most complete and updated news of the legal market in Latin America.


The firm as a digital ecosystem of solutions

“The whole world is evolving and lawyers are still in the same place. I wanted something different", Agustín Velázquez / Unsplash, Robin Worral

What does it mean for a firm to adopt the lawtech approach?

Legal solutions from the Lawtech approach contribute to meeting needs without focusing on one industry, but rather learning to adapt to a diversity of it. / Philipp Katzenberger - Unsplash.

Volaris, first Mexican airline to be declared famous brand

Avion volaris.jpg

Volaris flies to 43 cities in Mexico and 28 in the United States and Central America / Taken from the company's Facebook page

More articles and magazines

The future has arrived, 10 years ahead of schedule!


BETER + LEGALIFY, places the user in the center, where at any time, from anywhere, and best of all, from a Smartphone ( or Tablet (, problems are resolved at affordable costs, with quality, simple and automatic way.

Digital magazine No. 17 October 2023 - Canieti

Free to use online LawTech platform, offering trademark solutions easily accessible from any computer or smartphone, with more than 124 countries, covering more than 99% of the global trademark protection market

Global Law Experts Handbook 2023 (GLE) (Page 118)


Agustín Velázquez GL, is a widely recognized leading intellectual property lawyer in Mexico with over 30 years of experience. He is an expert in IP strategies an litigation, frontier technologies and patent blended technologies protection.

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